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An informational mailing list about Eastern Turkestan (also known as Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region) and the Uighur people

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NOTE: Please read this file through the end, and save it for future reference, since by joining Uighur-L every subscriber acknowledges and fully agrees to follow the rules and procedures listed below, as well as the Terms of Service.


Uighur-L is an open, moderated mailing list dedicated to discussions on Eastern Turkestan (this region is also known as Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of PRC), the Uighur people and related topics, as outlined below. This introductory message provides general information on the purpose, scope and guidelines of the list, which will be helpful to new subscribers and to those pondering/continuing a subscription. Please read it carefully and do not hesitate to contact the list administrator listed below if you have any further questions.
Uighur-L requires every subscriber to confirm their subscription to ensure people are not added without their permission. If you have subscribed and have yet to obtain a confirmation email, please check your spam folder.


Uighur-L was first created in 1997 to serve as a communications tool for the Uighur/Eastern Turkestan community by Citizens Against Communist Chinese Propaganda. Freedom's Herald and the current Uighur-L is a continuation of that mission.


Sec I.
Uighur-L is an open, moderated list and anyone interested may join it. The opinions expressed in the Uighur-L by its owners and members/subscribers do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the Freedom's Herald or it's members. The opinions expressed here are of their respective authors/writers.

Sec II.
Uighur-L is a medium for discussing Eastern Turkestan(i)-related (views and opinions on) culture and arts (literature, culinary, music, dances, songs, poetry, paintings); history, religion; economics and business; politics, humanitarian aid and refugees; education, science and research; travel, tourism and geography; sports and entertainment; and of course, the topic of high importance: organizing and coordinating Eastern Turkestani/Uighur support activities.
Also, Uighur-L is not for sending digests of posts, chain letters, personal or Web site advertisements, i.e. posts not related or contributing to Eastern Turkestan and the list. If unsure, please contact the list administrator.

Sec III.
The official languages of Uighur-L are primarily English and Uighur (Turkish is also used). Famous quotes and expressions in other languages are also allowed (Russian, French, etc.), but must be kept to the minimum in order to make the postings understandable to the other members. Remember, the list is for everyone and is about Eastern Turkestan!

Sec IV.
The Uighur-L list members are of many ethnicities, religious, political and other beliefs. But we obviously have one thing in common: _We are All Sincerely and Positively interested in Eastern Turkestan and its future._ The purpose of Uighur-L is to provide a medium for all to discuss these interests, and to be beneficial to our community and Eastern Turkestan at large.

Sec V.
Despite the moderation of this list (to exempt each member from receiving malware,) these rules must be *strictly* followed to ensure high quality discussions. The subscription to the list may be revoked, with or without notice, if any of the rules are broken.

  1. Posts must be related to the purposes of Uighur-L as outlined above;
  2. No excessively polemical postings; obscene plagiarism and academic dishonesty, including the deliberate misattribution of quotations from historical documents and figures;
  3. No posts containing profanity or excessive rudeness; posts that lack appropriate civility. While well-placed heckles are acceptable, flamewars are not. No posts containing personal abuse, slander or libel;
  4. Propagation of national, religious, racial, sexual, or ethnic hostility or animosity -- including posts openly justifying violence, war crimes, or ethnic cleansing;
  5. Binary files are NOT permitted, even if they are related to Eastern Turkestan.
Sec VI.
  • Links contained within postings should be considered suspect and may cause your computer to be infected by malware.
  • Links to content on established websites may also be hacked.
  • The responsibility to keep your computer free of malware is yours.


  1. Only list members can post to this list, i.e. non-members wishing to post anything must mail it to one of the members to be forwarded to the list.
  2. To SUBscribe, or UNSubscribe, visit the following webpage: Uighur-L Admin


To post to the Uighur-L mailing list, send e-mail to Uighur-L@freedomsherald.org which then will distribute it to all the members after moderation. Please note, full-time moderation is not available and the message may not be distributed immediately.
If your mail bounces repeatedly, you will be removed from the list without notification. In that event, it is up to you to re-subscribe once your mail system becomes operational.
COPYRIGHT issues: Everything written in Uighur-L Eastern Turkestan Discussions List is protected under International and US copyright laws. The law does not require to append the copyright notice to the end of the work, although to enhance the importance of the subject, it is advised to do so. NO DISCUSSION TOPICS, CONTENTS OR LETTERS ARE TO BE POSTED, DISCUSSED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY WAY IN OTHER MEDIUMS WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER (THE WRITER). FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN SUSPENSION FROM THE LIST(S).


As noted above, even though Uighur-L list is moderated, you are urged to think carefully about what you post. At the same time, participation in these discussions, especially by new list members, is strongly encouraged. Remember, this is a discussion list, which consists of your opinions.
It is recommended that new members spend a few days just listening to the discussions on the list, to get the "hang of" the discussion process, and to get to know the individuals involved. Then they are encouraged to jump in with quality postings and debate. It is up to all members to see that the list gets used, that discussions are constructive, conducted with mutual courtesy and due respect, etc.
It is also helpful, if the first message of the new member would be a brief introduction to let the subscribers know about her/him some more.
Also, you will eventually get to know some of the people. The list is worldwide and includes Eastern Turkestanis (and other ethnicities) from all corners of the world. They are drawn from a variety of different cultural/religious/political/linguistic backgrounds. This is your opportunity to meet Eastern Turkestanis from numerous diverse backgrounds and communicate with them. In this respect, it is a very unique medium.
At Uighur-L, we try to continue our tradition of mutual courtesy and understanding, and "Respect in Every Aspect!" In order to maintain high signal to noise ratio or simply in everyone's best interest, we urge everyone to follow these simple guidelines.
Thank you for subscribing!
List Administrator
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