We the participants from Eastern Turkistan, Inner Mongolia, Taiwan, Tibet and the United States in the conference, "Exposing Communist Chinese Government Influence in America," held in Orlando, Florida, from May 15-16, 1999 resolve:
1. That we totally deplore the Chinese Communist Government's blatant use of its propaganda machinery to spread misinformation about our communities;
2. That we strongly object to the display of Eastern Turkistani, Mongolian, and Tibetan exhibits in the Splendid China Theme Park, Kissimmee, Florida. This is a distortion of our history and is to legitimize China' s illegal occupation of our countries;
3. That through these exhibits, Splendid China misinforms the visitors about the true situation in our respective countries. While there is blatant destruction of our culture and way of life by the Chinese Communists, Splendid China depicts the wrong image that China respects our cultures;
4. That we believe that Splendid China is a political tool of the Chinese Government in the guise of an entertainment center. We call on the U.S. Government to withdraw permission for the Park as it contradicts the rules under which it has been set up;
5. That we call on the Communist Chinese Government to bring an immediate halt to its colonialistic and oppressive rule in Eastern Turkistan, Inner Mongolia, and Tibet. By denying human rights, including political rights, and religious freedom to our people, the Chinese Government is violating international norms and United Nations conventions;
6. That we assert the right of our people to self-determination and to decide our own future; and
7. That we will continue our joint campaign against Chinese Communist Government's propaganda against us and to inform the world of the truth of our situation.
May 16, 1999
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