Florida Splendid China Demonstration to Commemorate 11th Anniversary of TianAnMen

Gathering before the demonstration.

June 3, 2000

Citizens Against Communist Chinese Propaganda again gathered at the main gate of Florida Splendid China to commemorate the anniversary of the massacre of civilians in TianAnMen eleven years earlier. Represented were members of Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Inner Mongolian People's Party, Uighur American Association, Students Against Splendid China, and the International Taklamakan Human Rights Association.

Demonstrators at main gate.
Begining at noon on the 3rd of June, 2000 and flying flags representing the nations of Tibet, Eastern Turkestan and the United States and the Inner Mongolian People's Party, as well as holding signs that decried the propaganda, the Citizens raised their voices to call for Freedom for Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and Eastern Turkestan and for One Taiwan, One China.

Many passing cars honked their horns in agreement with our cause and some even stopped to take pictures. The Citizens were happy to welcome some of these same people that posed with us as well and we warned them about the consequences of future travel to the People's Republic of China.

The demonstration concluded without incident.

Demonstrators at main gate.