Dear Chairman Yang,
I am writing again to request to speak with you or your representative
concerning the Mongolian, Uighur, and Tibetan exhibits in the Florida
Splendid China theme park. We have written many letters asking just to
speak with you, but we have yet to receive an answer, not even a phone
call. Please take the opportunity to call collect or write us a short note.
As on the five previous occasions of Tibetan Uprising Day during the park's
brief life, we will be gathering in front of your facility on March 11,
2000 to hold a peaceful and legal demonstration beginning at noon. Please
contact us to talk about the exhibits so that we might end the
demonstrations and come to some agreement.
The notoriety of Florida Splendid China is increasing and other
organizations or individuals might not use the same restraint as we have in
the past. Due to our inability to achieve any meaningful or substantial
agreement, others might take different measures to achieve the removal of
the disputed exhibits. Again, I urge you to speak with us.
I also wish your facility well during the upcoming Spring Break period.
Thank you for your time and attention,
Thank you for your time and attention,
Jack Churchward
Citizens Against Communist Chinese Propaganda